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My Study Series Forums General Discussion What do you need to know about Venmo’s Venmo limit per day?

  • What do you need to know about Venmo’s Venmo limit per day?

    Posted by goldie on May 1, 2024 at 12:32 am

    What is the weekly sending limit on Venmo?

    For verified accounts, Venmo allows a person-to-person sending limit of $4,999.99 per week +1(818) 725-1009 (rolling seven-day period), but the daily limit for these transactions can be influenced by your previous spending habits and the verification of your account.3 days ago

    What do you need to know about Venmo limit per day?

    Venmo has various limits on the amount of money you can send or receive within a day. Here’s what you need to know about Venmo’s daily limits:

    • Venmo Sending Limit: Venmo doesn’t have a specific daily limit for sending money. However, there’s a weekly sending limit of $4,999.99 for verified accounts. Venmo limit operates on a rolling 7-day basis, so any transactions from the past 7 days count towards this limit.
    • Venmo Receiving Limit: Venmo generally does not impose specific limits on how much you can receive in a day. However, if you’re receiving payments for business purposes, you might have specific limits related to business transactions.
    • Venmo Withdrawal Limit: Venmo doesn’t have a daily withdrawal limit, but it does have a weekly withdrawal limit of $19,999.99 for verified accounts. You can withdraw funds to a linked bank account or a debit card.

    Remember, Venmo’s limits can change, and additional factors like account verification, transaction history, and unusual activity can impact your specific limits. Always refer to Venmo’s official documentation or contact customer support for the most accurate information.

    goldie replied 3 weeks, 4 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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